Hello, homeschooling families, and welcome to the beginning of summer break! As we bid farewell to the structured days of the school year, we step into a season of warmth, sunshine, and endless possibilities. Here are some practical tips to help you maintain structure and engagement during the summer months:

  1. Community Connections: Take advantage of the vibrant homeschool community around you. Attend weekly gatherings at the CCC, join weekly park days with fellow Cottonwood homeschool families, and explore free field trip opportunities with us. Your family liaison team has put together an incredible summer schedule for connection and fun! Mondays at the CCC and park days are attended by all ages, and friendships are blossoming before our eyes! We prepare activities for all ages and interests.
  2. Library Adventures: Dive into the world of literature with your children by participating in summer reading programs at your local library. (Many are linked below.) From storytimes to craft workshops, libraries offer a treasure trove of learning opportunities for all ages.
  3. Active Pursuits: Keep your kids moving and grooving with programs like Kids Skate Free and Kids Bowl Free. These activities not only provide a fun outlet for energy, but also promote physical fitness and social interaction.
  4. Summer Camp Excitement: Consider enrolling your children in a summer camp or two for a change of pace and a well-deserved break. Whether it’s exploring nature, honing athletic skills, or unleashing creativity through the arts, summer camps offer endless possibilities for learning and growth.

June Learning Ideas: Dive into nature studies by exploring local parks, nature reserves, and botanical gardens. Create a summer nature journal to document your observations and discoveries.


Kara Parkins

Parent Support Advisor