Hello again, homeschooling friends! We hope you’ve been enjoying the start of summer and all the sunshine and adventures it brings. It’s been a couple weeks since our last newsletter, and we’re excited to reconnect and share some valuable tips to help you make the most of your summer break.

As we settle into the rhythm of summer, it’s important to create a balance between fun and structure. Establishing a summer routine and managing screen time can help provide stability for your family while ensuring your children remain engaged and active. Here are some practical tips to guide you.

  1. Summer Schedule: Establish a flexible yet consistent routine for your days. Designate times for waking up, meals, outdoor play, learning activities, and downtime. A predictable schedule provides stability for children while allowing room for spontaneity and adventure.
  2. Balanced Screen Time: Set clear boundaries around screen time for your children, balancing digital activities with offline pursuits. Encourage alternative activities such as board games, art projects, and outdoor adventures to foster creativity and imagination.
  3. Parental Role Modeling: Lead by example by demonstrating healthy screen habits for your children. Limit your own screen time and prioritize face-to-face interactions and family bonding experiences.
  4. Tech-Free Family Time: Designate specific times or days for tech-free family activities, such as game nights, nature hikes, or backyard picnics. Use these moments to connect, laugh, and create cherished memories together.


June Learning Ideas

Summer is a fantastic time to explore new learning experiences in a more relaxed setting. Here are some engaging and educational activities to try this month:

  • Nature Studies: Visit local parks, nature reserves, and botanical gardens. Encourage your children to create a summer nature journal, documenting their observations and discoveries through drawings and notes.
  • Science Experiments: Conduct simple science experiments at home using everyday materials. Explore topics like buoyancy, chemistry, and the natural world. For example, create a homemade volcano with baking soda and vinegar or explore the properties of water with floating and sinking experiments.
  • Outdoor Reading: Combine the joys of reading and nature by setting up an outdoor reading nook. Choose a cozy spot in your backyard or at a local park, and enjoy reading together under the shade of a tree.

By incorporating these activities into your summer routine, you can provide meaningful learning opportunities that tie into the relaxed and adventurous spirit of the season.

Remember, summer is a time to relax, explore, and make memories. With a bit of planning and balance, you can create a summer filled with fun, learning, and cherished moments.


Kara Parkins, Parent Support Advisor