Hello homeschool parents,

We’ve made it through the first month—can you believe it? Whether you’re feeling like everything’s flowing smoothly or still adjusting, now is a perfect time to check in with yourself, your students, and your homeschool plan. Reflection can help celebrate the wins and identify small shifts that will help things run even better!

Check in with yourself: Are you feeling balanced, energized, and excited about the weeks ahead? Sometimes, recognizing areas where we can simplify or bring more joy into our days can make a big difference. You’re already accomplishing so much—don’t forget to take time to appreciate all your efforts!

Check in with your students: Are they engaged and excited about what they’re learning? A quick check-in conversation can be an easy way to discover what’s sparking their curiosity and what could use a little extra attention. These chats can lead to new ideas and projects that bring even more joy to your homeschool routine.

Check-in with your outsourcing: Whether you’re using one of our Community Partners, are enrolled in one of our Cottonwood Instructional Programs, or participating in co-ops or enrichment centers, how are they contributing to your homeschool goals? This is a great time to confirm that everything is in alignment with what you and your kids need to thrive. If there’s a way to enhance your resources, it’s always exciting to explore those opportunities!

Tips & Resources

  • Self-care tip: Try adding a refreshing 10-minute “reset” break into your day—it can leave you feeling more energized and present.
  • Student check-in tip: Set aside time to ask your kids, “What was the best part of your week? What are you excited about for next week?”
  • Outsourcing resource: Looking for more outside opportunities and resources? Our Community Partner List, school-organized Events & Field Trips are great ways to add exciting learning opportunities to your routine.

As we move into October, continue to celebrate all the wonderful things you’re accomplishing with your kids. The journey is just as important as the destination, and every step forward is a success!


Kara Parkins