As we move into October, many of us are beginning to settle into the rhythms of our homeschool days. Whether this is your first year homeschooling or you’re a seasoned pro, every year brings its own unique challenges, triumphs, and opportunities for growth, not just for our kids, but for us as parents, too!

At this point in the school year, it’s common to reflect on what’s working and what might need adjusting. Maybe you’ve found an awesome new routine that your family loves, or maybe you’re still figuring out how to balance it all. Either way, there’s no right or wrong—just a constant journey of learning alongside our kids.

For me, each homeschool year has been different. Some seasons, I’ve had a smooth routine that works perfectly, and other times, I’ve had to adjust on the fly. Guess what? That’s okay! I’ve learned that homeschooling is about flexibility and finding what works for your family at any given moment. Some weeks, we’re right on track with our lesson plans, while other times we pause to take advantage of all the amazing community activities and experiential learning that Cottonwood offers. Trust me, those moments of connection can be just as valuable as schoolwork for developing a love for school and learning, as well as social and emotional development!

Balancing Homeschool and Community Events

Speaking of community activities, if you haven’t already plugged into our events, now’s the time! Our weekly Mondays at the CCC are a wonderful chance to homeschool in a different setting alongside other families, connect with other Cottonwooders, and participate in our weekly guided activities. Mondays at the CCC is followed by Storytime in the Lending Library — a perfect literacy boost for younger kids. These events are growing in popularity, and it’s heartwarming to see our students of all ages building friendships and enjoying these gatherings.

We also have Weekly Park Days, held in different regions, which offer the perfect mix of socializing and outdoor learning. These events are ideal for kids of all ages and have been a fantastic way for families (mine included) to build connections that last well beyond park time.

If you’re worried about how to fit these activities in with your regular school schedule, here’s my advice: don’t stress! Part of the beauty of homeschooling is that it allows for flexibility. I’ve found that by adjusting our pace for the week — either by starting a little earlier on some days, shortening lessons, or combining subjects into bigger projects — we can easily fit in these special events without falling behind. In my personal opinion, those real-world experiences and social opportunities are often just as enriching as any workbook or assignment.

Looking Ahead: November Events

Friendly reminder — registration for November events is just around the corner! Mark your calendars for October 10th at 12:30 pm because you won’t want to miss out on the fantastic field trips and activities planned for next month. There’s so much fun ahead, and these events will help round out your homeschool experience with hands-on learning and community connection.

Whether you’ve been homeschooling for years or are just getting started, these opportunities are a great way to break up the routine, recharge, and let your kids (and you) experience the joy of learning in different settings. Plus, they give you a chance to connect with other parents who are walking the same path.

Remember to Breathe

Lastly, if things are feeling overwhelming, remember to breathe. We all have those moments where things feel like too much, and that’s okay. You’re doing an amazing job, and it’s perfectly normal to have ups and downs throughout the school year. Whether you’re attending all the events or sticking to a quieter schedule, you’re making this homeschool journey uniquely yours, and that’s what counts.


Kara Parkins