Hey Homeschool Superstars!

Welcome back! We missed you and hope you had a restful and wonder-filled Winter Break! We’re diving back into learning after some time away from the books, attendance taking, and school responsibilities. So, let’s shake off the holiday dust, grab our favorite pens, and embark on the adventure of getting back to the rhythm.

  • Nurturing Our Learning Space: As we step into the new year, let’s give our learning space a little love. A cozy corner, a fresh arrangement of supplies, and maybe a new plant friend — let’s make it a space that sparks curiosity and joy.
  • Setting Intentions, Not Resolutions: Forget the resolutions; let’s set intentions for the year ahead. What sparks excitement in your homeschooling journey? Whether it’s diving into a new subject, exploring creative projects, or simply fostering a love for learning — let’s make it intentional and joyful.
  • Welcoming New Curiosity Sparks: January is a perfect time to explore fresh themes and curiosities. Maybe dive into the wonders of winter wildlife and hibernation, explore the science of snowflakes, or venture into historical events that unfolded in January. Let’s welcome these sparks and weave them into our learning plans.
  • Routine Remix, Homeschool Edition: While routines are our sturdy anchors, let’s give them a little homeschool remix. Maybe a new morning ritual, a themed day of the week, or an exciting twist to the routine. Small changes can breathe fresh energy into our days.
  • Connect and Share the Excitement: Reach out to your fellow homeschool families and share the excitement of diving into the new year’s rhythm. Swap stories, exchange ideas, and let’s create a supportive community that learns together. Join us on our Facebook group, on field trips, and on Mondays at the CCC to connect with other Cottonwood families.

Navigating the post-winter break adventure is all about infusing our homeschooling journey with warmth, joy, and a sprinkle of newfound curiosity.

So grab your planner, dust off those textbooks, and let’s make 2024 a year of memorable learning adventures. Here’s to the growth, the learning, and the extraordinary moments waiting for us in our homeschooling odyssey.

Wishing you a month filled with renewed enthusiasm, cozy learning vibes, and the joy of discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary.

Kindly, Kara Parkins