Grad Requirements

Learn the requirements to receive a high school diploma

Taking College Classes

For students interested in taking college courses in high school

College Readiness

Learn A-G and other useful college information.

Entrance Exams

Find out about college entrance exams such as the SAT and ACT.

Career Readiness

Find resources to explore careers and aptitudes

Financial Aid

Learn about financial aid programs for higher education.

High School Counselors

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Jonas Heppner

Lead High School Counselor

Schedule an Appointment

Kiyoshi Mizutani

High School Counselor

Schedule an Appointment

Lindsey Romero

High School Counselor

Schedule an Appointment

Frequently Asked Questions

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When should I meet with my counselor, and how often?

Students should meet with their counselor once a year, starting in the 9th grade. The purpose of these meetings is to review classes you’ve taken or plan to take, for career planning, for college planning, to help with organization, to find out about scholarships, etc. It is easy to schedule an appointment with your counselor. Use the link in your counselor’s signature or our counselor page.

What is Concurrent Enrollment?

Concurrent enrollment is when a student enrolls in college classes while in high school. Students at TCS who choose to take college classes are required to take a minimum of four high school classes in addition to whatever college classes they are enrolled in; you cannot take college classes in lieu of high school classes. For more information, watch the video on concurrent enrollment.

What are A-G requirements?

A-G refers to the required classes that students must take to apply for college admission into the UC or CSU system. A-G classes are California’s way of saying college prep.

How can I get my transcript?

If you need your unofficial transcript, you can sign on to your Pathway account. Go to Reports–>Transcripts–>Print Unofficial Transcript
If you need your official transcript, please fill out this form. Please note that if you are requesting a transcript at the end of the semester, it may take up to two weeks before the semester grades are posted.