Hello once more, dear homeschooling friends!

As we head towards the end of summer break, let’s focus on making the most of these final weeks by nurturing family connections and savoring the joys of the season with these ideas in mind:

Family Bonding Time: Prioritize quality time together as a family by planning fun outings, game nights, and movie marathons. Enjoy warm summer evenings by stargazing, roasting marshmallows over a campfire, or simply enjoying each other’s company outdoors.

Summer Reading Adventures: Dive into a world of literary wonder with summer reading challenges and book clubs. It isn’t too late to visit your local library and engage in their reading challenge. Encourage your children to explore different genres, authors, and topics, and celebrate their reading accomplishments together.

Outdoor Escapades: Make the most of the great outdoors by planning hiking adventures, picnics in the park, or beach days by the shore. Connect with nature and soak in the beauty of the natural world as a family.

Gratitude and Reflection: Take time to pause and reflect on the season. Cultivate a spirit of gratitude by keeping a family gratitude journal or sharing daily reflections around the dinner table.

Learning Ideas

Artistic Expression: Encourage your children to express their creativity through painting, sculpting, or crafting projects inspired by summer themes. Host a family art show to showcase their creations.

History Adventures: Visit local historical sites or museums to learn about your area’s history. Create a scrapbook documenting these educational adventures.

As we approach the start of a new school year, let’s embrace the rest of summer with enthusiasm and joy, creating lasting memories and deepening our family bonds.


Kara Parkins