Want to know a secret? Well ready or not, here it comes! I don’t know everything about homeschooling. Shock. Awe. I often don’t know what I am doing with my kids. Am I doing enough, too little, or just enough? Should I quit? Should I keep going? Did you think you were the only one who has done a ton of research only to find that you are still learning something new every day about this homeschooling gig? I sure did.

We have been homeschooling for over seven years, and I still have many questions. (My HST could verify this. I call her with questions regularly.) I also reach out to (truncate here) others with kids older than mine or similar ages to ask questions or, at the very least, compare notes. Comparing and sharing your experience is a great way to find support and encouragement. Nothing competes with human connection when you need advice connected to real-life children and your experiences.


The truth is, we simply can’t accomplish everything on our own. Maybe this is the very reason you chose to homeschool with a charter. You knew that you would need support, partnership, and community. It is essential to acknowledge that even though we choose to homeschool, it does not mean we should never ask for or need help.

Are you new to homeschooling? Ask many questions.

Are you experienced with homeschooling? Ask even more questions.

I will repeat it. You do not need to be a homeschool “know- it- all.” You have an entire school full of resources and wisdom at your fingertips. Some of these resources are programs you can outsource, providing the answers to your questions; others come behind you with encouragement and tools to succeed on your own. Below, we will continue to visit and highlight these programs, such as WiN Language Arts. We want you to know, above all, that you are never alone and that we believe in you. You don’t have to know it all because we share the knowledge freely, and there will be times that you serve us with your wisdom too. Thank you for allowing us to walk alongside you! We are honored.

Take a deep breath and know that you are capable and qualified. Finally, here are some important reminders to consider regularly:

  • Homeschooling takes stamina.
  • Homeschooling demands a sense of humor.
  • Homeschooling depends on a partnership with your kid.
  • Homeschooling requires vulnerability. You must ask questions and for help.


Kara Parkins

P.S. School break is around the corner. Can you smell the turkey and pie at the finish line?