An Integrative Approach to Education

At The Cottonwood School, we take an integrative approach that education is more than academic learning. We understand that a rich education includes social and emotional development as well as a strong academic foundation. That’s why our Homestudy Pathway fosters holistic learning through the many activities and events we offer each month—field trips, workshops, hands-on, experiential activities, and so much more—and why our Cottonwood College Prep Academy: Hybrid High School Pathway offers Montessori-inspired project-based learning that encourages collaboration and creativity.

Community Reimagined

Building a sense of community among children helps them develop respectful, cooperative friendships essential to each individual’s lifelong success. At Cottonwood, we are reimagining community.

Being in physical proximity every day is no longer the only way students and families can connect. Our community is built through in-person, virtual, and hybrid opportunities, as well as people working together for the benefit of our children’s quality education. The Cottonwood School supports families so that you never feel alone. We provide ongoing support for parents and encourage frequent contact with our teachers and staff.

Parents and families are directly involved in the child’s education, collaborating to craft a learning pathway that best fits your child’s interests and learning style. All Cottonwood parents, both homeschooling and CCPA, are encouraged to be active in their child’s education. Cottonwood’s homeschool staff includes a parent support team that helps to welcome you and integrate you into our school community. CCPA teachers and our principal are always available to answer questions and discuss ideas or concerns with parents. Through our strong commitment to making learning a joyful experience, we are reshaping education and preparing each student for a rewarding tomorrow.