Be Authentic!

Be Authentic!

This week we are focusing on the core component of “Be Authentic,” where our students learn that great dreams must start within. To do something extraordinary, a dream must align with who we are at our core, and it must matter greatly to us. As parents, it is truly...

Kindly, Kara: The Power of Story

Kindly, Kara: The Power of Story

Last week we introduced a brand new section to the Wednesday Weekly about stories! People love telling and listening to stories. Surely you remember countless tales of when your family members were young, not because you were there, but because they used words and...

Take a Stand!

Take a Stand!

This week we are focusing on the core component of “Take a Stand,” where we share with our students why it is very important to play to our strengths and interests whenever possible. As parents, we know it is equally important that what we choose to do is important to...

The Power of Story

The Power of Story

The power of story is HUGE. When we share our stories it connects us, encourages us, and opens us up to new possibilities. Amazing things are happening in each of our homeschools and we would love to get a glimpse into yours. So we’ve created a new segment in the...

Our October Mindset is Passion First!

Our October Mindset is Passion First!

The Passion First Mindset teaches us that we are all unique expressions of human existence. It’s vital to find out what our individual interests, strengths, and talents are so that we might connect them with our goals, dreams, and visions for the future. In this...

Everything is Possible!

Everything is Possible!

This week our students will learn that a Growth Mindset can further be developed through Mindfulness. Mindfulness, in simple terms, is the state of being conscious of thoughts, emotions, and senses and focusing your awareness on the present moment. When you’re...

The Power of Yet!

The Power of Yet!

This week our students will learn that the Power of Yet! can be a vital component of developing a growth mindset. One way our children can work on building a growth mindset when something is difficult is just using the word yet. They can add it onto the end of almost...

Cottonwood Star of the Week: Willow

Cottonwood Star of the Week: Willow

Our Cottonwood Star of the Week is kindergartener Willow! Her parents say: Willow is 5 years old and a kindergartener this year. She is so excited to be a part of Cottonwood because she loves learning and is so proud to have started school. She is an avid bike rider,...