Giving is Gratitude!

Giving is Gratitude!

Tis the season to give to others! One way we can express an attitude of gratitude is by giving to others. In this season of giving, there are so many opportunities to give. Some of the most valuable things we can give cost nothing but our time. When we include our...

Elevate Your Perspective!

Elevate Your Perspective!

This week our students learn how to elevate their perspective and find the positives in otherwise negative situations by modifying the way they think about negative situations so they can find the positive within them. Students learn that people who have achieved...

Why You Shouldn’t Know It All

Why You Shouldn’t Know It All

Want to know a secret? Well ready or not, here it comes! I don’t know everything about homeschooling. Shock. Awe. I often don’t know what I am doing with my kids. Am I doing enough, too little, or just enough? Should I quit? Should I keep going? Did you think you were...

Thank It Forward!

Thank It Forward!

This week our students are learning what it means to "Thank It Forward!" and what an important part of practicing gratitude it is. One of the most powerful things we can do for someone is to express gratitude for who they are and what they mean to us. Thanking someone...

Be More Grateful!

Be More Grateful!

This week we are focusing on the core component of "Be More Grateful." We all have the choice to focus on the good or the bad in life. If we focus on the positive things, they expand and guide us down the path to our dreams. If we spend our time in regret, jealousy,...

Learning and Growing for Parents, Too

Learning and Growing for Parents, Too

Kindly, Kara It's raining, it's pouring, and homeschoolers everywhere are adjusting to the change of season and all that it brings. Every day, month, and year brings inevitable adjustment and learning. As a home educator and a parent, I have come to understand that I...

Nov/Dec Mindset: Attitude of Gratitude!

Nov/Dec Mindset: Attitude of Gratitude!

This time of year, it is easy to be reminded of the many things to be grateful for through school lessons, family gatherings, and celebrations. However, if we encourage our children to live their lives with gratitude every day by modeling it ourselves, they’ll likely...

Be Authentic!

Be Authentic!

This week we are focusing on the core component of “Be Authentic,” where our students learn that great dreams must start within. To do something extraordinary, a dream must align with who we are at our core, and it must matter greatly to us. As parents, it is truly...